Friday, January 20

i guess whites are safe from hurricanes?

This from BET:
Concerned environmentalists say that unless the United States gets real about the threat of global warming, African Americans and other people of color can expect a repeat of disasters like Katrina.
Now, I understand that blacks are impacted by environmental tragedy, and maybe a little more in places like New Orleans where the poor, mostly black, neighborhoods are the more undesireable (like, easiest to flood)...but to say that "African Americans and other people of color" seems to exclude the fact that a lot of white people had their lives turned upside down by Katrina too. I don't know, maybe I'm tired...but I just have to say that this is offensive to me, at least in that it reminds me of how racism plays out, even in the black community. I mean, racism isn't going to end until people are bloody color-blind and we aren't even close when people like BET are still trying to play up black plight over white plight. A lot of people suffered a lot down there...


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