Sunday, January 1

justice department okay's travesty, searches for rogue whistle-blower

Remember when someone in the Bush administration whispered to a few reporters that a certain wife of a certain critic of a certain war was a CIA agent? Remember how much the Bush administration fought against an investigation? Well, they're unleashing the hounds on the person that leaked the NSA program with lightning quickness.

Funny thing is, this leaker should be considered a minor hero -- someone who saw a blatently illegal action being taken and, though it be against the law to disclose top secret information to the press, did so.

An interesting note to this story that has come to light is that there was some opposition to the program by Justic Department officials, including none other than John Ashcroft himself. Now, given how huge a fascist asswipe Ashcroft is, the fact that he questioned the legality of the program should tell us all that there's a lot to be questioned here...


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