Thursday, February 2

working for a living

As is becoming more and more well known, there is an effort across the nation to boost Democratic votes by placing ballot initiatives on the November 7 polls (much like the gay marriage thing got the Republicans out in DROVES in 2004). Michigan is one of them. This post is little more than a shout out to the Michigan group, Michigan Needs a Raise, that is supposedly working to put this on the ballot. I've been googling the issue and this group to find information on how to participate in the drive, but it's getting me nowhere. So hopefully someone involved will google the issue (something like "raise the minimum wage to $6.85" or "michigan ballot initiative" or "michigan minimum wage" or "minimum wage ballot" or "minimum wage referendum") and find this page, post a comment, and then let the fine people of Michigan get petitions or some such thing.

Or else, perhaps, someone else will know where to send me and everyone that's interested?


Blogger kyle said...

Thou shalt be linked to, and thank you very much!

Saturday, February 04, 2006 4:45:00 PM  

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