Monday, May 29

100 goals

I created the following list of things to do before I die a few years ago when I was bogged down in a deep depression and haven't done much with it since. Anyway, lately I've started thinking about it and done a few things and figured I'd update (though a couple of these I no longer have much desire to do, I'm gonna keep them...

100 Goals for My Life

1. Take a continental train trip around the US
2. Drive a transcontinental highway from end to end
3. Take a trans-oceanic trip in a freighter
4. Visit every state in the country
5. Visit 100 countries
6. Visit Europe DONE!
7. Visit Tibet
8. Visit Cuba
9. Live in a foreign country
10. Live in Alaska
11. Live in New York City
12. Write and publish a travelogue
13. Visit Angel Falls in Venezuela
14. Go whitewater rafting
15. Hike the AT
16. Hike the Great Wall of China
17. Climb a mountain
18. Spend a night in jail for a cause I believe in
19. Write and publish a novel
20. Publish a work in a national publication
21. Display photography in a professional gallery exhibition
22. Successfully run for public office
23. Successfully push a piece of progressive legislation
24. Become a “household name” throughout the country
25. Fill out my entire family tree to at least 1800
26. Find my first crush
27. Earn a post-graduate degree
28. Become fluent in Spanish
29. Become fluent in German
30. Form a non-profit social services organization
31. Save a life
32. Radically change someone’s life for the better
33. Get myself out of debt
34. Visit a Nude Beach
35. Streak through a public place
36. Sleep outside with the homeless
37. Go to outer space
38. Read the entire works of Dostoevski
39. Experience reciprocated love DONE! (and awesome!)
40. Kiss the Blarney Stone
41. See David
42. Meet the Dalai Lama
43. Kiss the Pope’s ring
44. Milk a cow
45. Appear on a game show
46. Eat sushi DONE! (and delicious!)
47. Get hopelessly lost in the woods
48. Learn to play the guitar
49. Be in a fist fight
50. Work on an archeological dig
51. Fly a plane
52. Forgive someone who has committed a grievous wrong against me
53. Right a grievous wrong I committed against someone else
54. Turn a personal enemy into a best friend
55. Crash a wedding
56. Pay someone’s restaurant bill anonymously
57. Embarrass myself in front of a world leader
58. Drive 200 miles per hour
59. Throw a paper airplane from the top of the Empire State Building
60. Discover a waterfall
61. Patent an invention
62. Be in a movie
63. Witness a tornado
64. Fall asleep on a mattress at a furniture store
65. Publicly read the Declaration of Independence on the Fourth of July
66. Find a buried treasure
67. Paint a mural
68. Perform a comedy routine in front of an audience
69. Create a slang used by the masses
70. Build my own house
71. Send a love letter to a total stranger
72. Go on a hot-air balloon ride
73. Ride in a helicopter
74. Visit Socrates’ jail cell
75. Watch a sunrise DONE!
76. Win the Nobel Prize
77. Participate in a mass protest DONE!
78. Discover a comet
79. Direct a feature length movie
80. Visit a monastery for a week
81. Experience an earthquake
82. Ride hobo on a train
83. See a wild kangaroo
84. Trip
85. Start my own business
86. Weep at the grave of a soldier
87. Sleep in an airport terminal (by choice)
88. Sleep under the stars on a beach DONE!
89. Witness a volcanic eruption
90. Go to an Olympic Games
91. Commit myself to a mental institution
92. Shout the name of a woman I love from the top of a mountain
93. Sue a large global corporation and win
94. Witness the trauma of war first-hand
95. Live to see a world where there is no war
96. Publicly upstage a renowned zealot
97. Become friends with a celebrity that I idolize
98. Write a nationally syndicated column
99. Find a meaningful career that I love
100. Think a thought never thunk before

...I've also come damn close to numbers 27, 48, 49, & 85 -- but not close enough to take off the list.


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