Sunday, April 30

how about them gas prices?

Get a bike...I just practically rebuilt my bicyle (new trans, pedals, rear wheel, front brakes) and it cost me $130 -- or about two tanks of gas. Think about it people.

Just a little something I had to suggest because I'm sick of listening to people bitching.

Or I found this, which should save you 5% (that's like .15 a gallon at $3): Discover Platinum Gas Card


Friday, April 14

those three little words

Last night I told my new girlfriend that I loved her. I had never said that before (in that way), at least when I meant it (the only other two times being in Middle and High School...and only because I thought I was supposed to or something). It was somewhat liberating and it only made me feel more in love. I'm really excited about this thing...I think it has a good chance of going places.


this brothel is a hoot

In a desperate way for a BJ? Go to Hooters. The Smoking Gun has posted a lawsuit that suggests that a Hooters corporate trainer told employees that "if you need the extra money, go ahead and suck a dick or fuck a customer if the money is right." So there you go about a full service establishment. To make matters more interesting, the frontpage of the Hooters website has a link to a "news" item titled "Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is!...there's a joke there, but I'm too busy working on my final final of the semester to come up with it.

...that's what the comment link is for my friends.


Wednesday, April 5

the poitics of personal destruction

DeLay is out, and he's blaming it on the politics of personal destruction. Does he not realize that he is one of the granddaddies of that school of politics?


Tuesday, April 4

too late for an april fools

Un. Fucking. Believable.
An Indian movie director said he hopes to persuade
Paris Hilton to play the role of Nobel laureate and prospective Catholic Saint, Mother Teresa, in an upcoming film.

I just really don't know what to say but that maybe Mom was right: looks aren't always everything. I'm sure Mother Theresa would be anything but flattered.